Friday, January 3, 2014

Thing 13: Media Skills

I decided I wanted to learn how to make a photo collage using my Mac, and learn how to take a screen shot.  I could do both of these things easily at work, but I didn't know how to do them at home.

I copied and pasted 3 photos of our cat Fern into Pages, and selected "floating" so I could move them around easily, and then I found out that there are many ways to capture a screen shot and save it.  I posted the photo to a facebook page: Home the Blind Wonder Cat and to my page as well.  Voila!  Accomplishment!  I have been wanted to test this for so long and today it just was the right time to explore it!  I guess this counts as something new to me...but also something I'm familiar with, (on a PC).  I have attached the photo.

I also decided to make a "Past and Present" photo.  I have never done this before, but the skills used in the above photo helped me do this.  Although I'm not standing in the same spot, you get the idea.  Here is my first attempt merging fall decorations and Christmas:

My second attempt came out better because it was easier to line up b/c I'm standing in pretty much the same spot.  We don't put presents under the tree until Christmas, making this past and present, (no pun intended):

I also made a meme using Quick Meme:

I also really enjoyed looking at the Pinterest site with ideas for photography class for students.  There were some amazing examples on there!

Oh-and when my husband needed some information about an account online, I just took a screenshot of it so I could mail it to him-so useful!

I could see using Quick Meme to make educational memes for class and for fun as well.  I could see students really enjoying making a "Past and Present" photo.  This was a great lesson.  Everyone should know how to make a screenshot and save it!  Thanks!